Legal notice

Content of the online offer

The author makes no guarantee as to whether the information provided is current, correct, complete, or that is of a certain level of quality. Liability claims against the author for material or non-pecuniary damages based on the use or failure to use the material offered, or on the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded, as long the author is not culpable for gross negligence or intentional acts. All offers are subject to change without notice and are nonbinding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, to expand, and to erase both pages and the entire offer without the necessity of prior notice. No notice is necessary should publication be fully or partially terminated.

References and links

The author expressly declares that at the time direct or indirect reference was made to other websites (hyperlinks) they contained no illegal content. The author has no influence on the current or future form, content, or authorship of the linked sites. For this reason the author expressly wishes to distance himself from websites that have been changed since the link was established. This statement applies to all links and references presented in the author's own internet offering as well as to all third-party entries into the guest books made available on the author's site, as well as to discussion forums, indexes of links, mailing lists, and all other forms of data banks which are vulnerable to external write access. If linked sites contain illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content, or should damages arise from the use or failure to use the information they offer, then sole liability lies with the person offering the site that has been linked. No liability rests with the person who merely referred to the site by means of links in his own publication.

Copyright and trademark law

All trademarks and brand names mentioned in the context of the internet offering and that are subject to third-party rights are, of course, fully subject to the provisions of prevailing trademark law and the property rights of the registered owner. The mere mention of such items does not mean that the trademark or brand name is not protected by third-party rights! The author of a page has the copyright for objects created and put on his page. The duplication or use of such graphics, recordings, videos sequences, and texts in other electronic or printed media is only permitted with the express permission of the author.

Data protection

If, as part of the internet offering, it is possible to enter personal or business data (email address, name, address), provision of this data on the part of the user is on a purely voluntary basis. Use of data provided in the site information and contact page or in similar sources, such as postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, as well as email addresses, to send information that is not expressly requested is prohibited. The right to take legal steps against those who disregard this prohibition - such as so-called "spammers" - is expressly reserved.

The legal effectiveness of this exclusion of liability

This exclusion of liability is to be regarded as part of the internet offering. A clear reference to it is made on the site. If parts or individual phrases of this text should not, no longer, or incompletely reflect current law, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected both in their content and in their applicability.